Monsters Deliciosa - "Delicious Monster" is a succulent tropical fruit similar to the jackfruit, which grows on a very large-leafed philodendron in hot and humid areas. It has a scale-like skin on the outside and a soft fruit which tastes like a combination of pineapple + banana. It is native to Mexico and Guatemala and is organically grown and harvested in South Florida from July to October. The fruit takes one whole year to develop. Do not eat before ripe! The unripe fruit contains oxalic acid and can have some adverse effects such as hives or blistering. When the fruit is ready to eat, the green outer skin will fall off naturally. This fruit is high in Calcium, phosphorus and vitamin C. This fruit also goes by the name Mexican breadfruit and Locusts + Wild Honey. Can be delicious in a smoothie by adding 1 cup of nut milk (or your choice of milk) + 1 cup fresh squeezed orange juice + 3 handfuls of spinach + 2 strawberries